Camelbak Womens 3-in-1 Coat Green

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AmaSEO producttitel

When describing your product, it is important to think about the name. The title of a product should ideally be 70 characters. In addition, it is important to know that the description Dutch also serves as a meta description. A meta  description is a small piece of text of up to 156-160 characters. Among other things, this little piece of text tells Google what the relevant page is about. This piece of text is also the text shown in Google's organic search results.

AmaSEO product title Dutch Content

On the product page, many webshops use little text, apart from a number of bullet points which are very common.

For proper optimization, it is therefore very important that the products get an optimized text. This text does not have to be as long as the texts for the category page

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